567 Keyduce, Keyuse And Keycycle / Anybody Out There Want A Key?
In which Erik puts the old keys of the world to n…
In which Erik puts the old keys of the world to new and exciting purpose, and Piers gives away the keys to Erik's Kingdom.
In which Erik puts the old keys of the world to new and exciting purpose, and Piers gives away the keys to Erik's Kingdom.
In which Erik finds a suitable replacement for the United Kingdom, and Piers looks for suitable replacements for our missing sandwich artisans.
In which Piers examines the many ways people (other people) generate their terrible podcast ideas, and Erik tells a rambling anecdote about how he hates anecdotes.
In which Erik has some really, really good band names he'd like to share, and Piers has some ideas about who really deserves to win those Nobel prizes they seem to be giving out to just about anyone.
In which Piers remembers that Soul Asylum is a band at least as good as the Beatles, and Erik remembers that The Beatles were at least as good as Soul Asylum.
In which Erik takes a surprising interest in our divine and everlasting wellbeing, while Piers pulls in a bunch of stillborn ideas from the depths of his sleeping brain.
In which Erik reviews your terrible homemade haunted house (yes, it is terrible,) and Piers brings the Japanese game-show format to your pathetic excuse for a haunted house.
A very special Christmas Day special episode that features no Christmas content whatsoever in which Piers sets some truly groundbreaking precedents, and Erik officially sets some truly groundbreaking precedents.
In which St. Piers tumbles down the chimney with all the sci-fi Christmas chronicles you've all been clamouring for, and Erik finally finds his Christmas spirit in a brand new quest for the perfect podcast.
In which Piers gets down and dirty with the news he can remember from the last time he read the Times, and Erik perfectly remembers every bad list he's ever heard.