680 The Meteoric Rise Of PvP / It's All Downhill From Here
In which Piers and Erik deal with the first of th…
In which Piers and Erik deal with the first of the fallout from their incredible (or was it?!) first-ever live show.
In which Piers and Erik deal with the first of the fallout from their incredible (or was it?!) first-ever live show.
In which we have a live show tonight at the Vancouver Central Public Library. You really can come out and see us do this very silly stupid thing that we do. At long last, the show absolutely no one was clamouring for.
In which Erik lays out the many complaints he has about recurring guest Joseph Stilwell, and Piers agrees that somebody really should do something about this nasty Joseph Stilwell character.
In which Piers once again struggles with the concept of time, and Erik struggles with the difference between mythology and theology.
In which Piers reveals some incredibly juicy and dark secrets you'll just have to listen to uncover, special guest JOE STILWELL initiates his own version of the parent trap, and regular host Erik refuses to come into the booth because he's being a big baby this week.
In which Piers relives the glory days of Donkey Kong being a pretty so-so thing on TV, special guest JOSEPH STILWELL shows off his pro-Semite sensibilities, and Erik continues to throw his hissy fit and not show up for the recording session.
In which regular co-host Erik decides he's just not going to record today, so special guest JOSEPH STILWELL (Blue Skies Over Nine Isles) drops by with some fake podcasts, while Piers holds it all together with an earnest discussion of Hobbit Culture.
In which Erik puts an end to all those fake music recommendations, Piers shines a spotlight on the pleasure of swallowing things, and special guest JEFF GROUT takes over the HR department of everything.
In which Piers challenges the status quo with even more hard hitting questions about video game logic, special guest JEFF GROUT takes on the soon-to-be-sentient AI that live among us, and Erik isn't sure if things are safe for work or not.
In which Erik pulls off the biggest heist in the history of Spencer's gifts, Piers returns with more of his fabulist nerd stories, and special guest JEFF GROUT has some teeny-tiny crimes he'd like to pull off.