360 The No-Genitals Zone / Junk It
In which Erik proposes a genital-less show that e…
In which Erik proposes a genital-less show that everyone could enjoy, and Piers lines up a spiteful counter-proposal of nothing but genitals.
In which Erik proposes a genital-less show that everyone could enjoy, and Piers lines up a spiteful counter-proposal of nothing but genitals.
In which Piers speculates on our reactions to the universe's endless cascade of potential happenings, while Erik paints himself into a corner with a paint-pot full of literalism.
In which Erik, in characteristic oblivious bullheadedness, passionately argues over the semantics of music labels, and Piers decides to start a beautiful, uplifting, and subtle new Christian rock band.
In which Piers takes you inside the growing ocean that is virtual reality or something, Erik get in touch with his suddenly no longer long-lost biological grandfather, and special guest JEREMY THE WITCH BOY forgets what a podcast is.
In which Piers explores the many pleasures of a full mouth, Erik desperately wants to find out what's happening in Piers' virtual life, and special guest JEREMY THE WITCH-BOY, and Jeremy thrusts all three boys into a new, better virtual reality.
In which Piers voluntarily gives everyone food poisoning, Erik cracks open a cask filled to the brim with brine and good times, and special guest JEREMY THE WITCH-BOY blatantly tries to write himself into the show permanently.
In which Erik desperately tries to improvise his way through some half-fake fan fiction, Piers lets loose the pigs of war, and special guest JEREMY THE WITCH BOY wishes Erik would read him a story.
In which Piers provides solutions to the all the so-called "problems" of the Great White North, while Erik creates one big enormous problem by magically transmuting your floor to lava.
In which Erik pitches an Sisyphean trial of a podcast from which there can be no escape, and Piers inserts music sensation Lightning Bolt into the magical world of video games.
In which Erik forgets what the show is about and pitches bonus material instead of a podcast, but Piers stays on point and pitches an absolutely essential podcast for spotting false-photos.